I'm toast. Just totally toast. Burnt toast actually. Lack of butter. Not melted. Or spread. TOAST.
Wanna know why Nick is toast? Because Nick beat the 8 gyms of Kanto without realizing that after that the Elite Four becomes ridiculoussauce. The WEAKEST of the Elite Four is lvl 60. My strongest is 56. The STRONGEST of the Elite Four is 75. 75-56=19. I'm toast. TOAST. TOASTED TOAST!!!! Grr. Where do I train to make them better? I don't know. Maaaaybe beat the Gym Leaders again but that requires effort and time. Neither I have. PS. Just realized I raised a team who cannot physically possibly beat Red. Pikachu? My answer is Feraligatr with Earthquake... Problem? YUP! Snorlax? Feraligatr with Superpower. Venasaur? Feraligatr with Ice Fang. Charizard? Feraligatr with Surf. Lapras? Ampharos with Thunder (hahaha I had you thinking my Feraligatr had to sweep. I'm so silly). Blastoise? Ampharos. So basically if either one dies im HOSED. My other 4 are Arcanine (who could potentially beat Venasaur), Pidgeot, Umbreon and Alakazam. NICK IS TOASTTOASTEDBYTOASTERSTRUDEL. Ugggghhhhh. Crap.
Nick who is toast. In case I didn't mention before
I stand corrected. The weakest in the Elite Four is actually (I think) 57. MY BAD!!!